Paul Brandreth
Graphics Design Level 6
Has technology changed the priciples of advertising?
Introduction/ history of technology distrubutions of advertsments from 1990- Presnt
Dyer, G (1982) Advertising as Commuincation, London, Methuen & Co. Ltd
Bullmore, J (1991) More Bull More, Oxfordshire: World Advertising Research Center
Turow, J (2009) The Advertising And Consumer Culture Reader, New York: Routledge
Audiences and methods – How can companies market and analysis advertisements
Analysing adverts online and mobile, how did they used to analysis adverts- Is it better?
Armstron, S (1997) Advertising on The Internet, London : Konan Page
Graphic Language & Typography / Image for advertising - Visual
Has new technologys change the priniciples of traditional advertisments
Compare 90’s advert- billboard to 2011 mobile advertsiments, try to find the same company or product. Or compare a 2011 billboard to a mobile advert using the same company. Comparing the 90’s to 2011 it already would have changed culturally due to trends.
Johnson, F.L (2008) Imaging in Advertising, New York: Routeledge
Goddard, A (1998) The Language of Advertising, London: Routeledge
Bullmore, J (1991) More Bull More, Oxfordshire: World Advertising Research Center
Cobley, P (2003) Introducing Semiotics, USA: Totem Books
Klein, N. (2005) No Logo, London: Harper Collins Publishers
“One might simplify this by saying: men act and women appear. Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at. This determines not only most relations between men and women but also the relations of women to themselves.” Berger(1972: 47)
“Soon after we can see, we are aware that we can also been seen. The eye of the other combines with our own eye to make it fully credible that we are part of the visual world” Berger (1972/ 9)
“Publicity increasingly uses sexuality is never free in itself; it is a symbol for something presumed to be larger than it; the good life in which you can buy whatever you want. To be able to buy is the same thing as being sexually desirable… Usually it is the implicit message, If you are able to buy this product you will be loveable. If you cannot buy it, you will be less lovable.” Berger (1972/ 144)
“Men survey women before treating them. Consequently how a woman appears to a man can determined how she will be treated”(Berger 1972/ 46).
“Advertisements are selling us something else besides consumer good: in providing us with a structure in which we, and those goods, are interchangeable, they are selling us ourselves.” Williamson (1978 /13)
“These early days of research into woman’s place in film history quickly established the fact that women had been excluded from the production and making of films, possibly in proportion to their notorious exploitation as sexual objects on screen” Mulvey (1989/113).
Delivery of product- What restricitons do new tecnologies have compared to more traditional advertising formats. Look at the restricitons to screen size, typography used, button size. Technolgy side.
Armstron, S (1997) Advertising on The Internet, London : Konan Page
Where is the money within advertising. Over a period from 90s to present analysis the use of modern technolgy and the decrease of traditional advertising. Charts, Information, why?
Armstron, S (1997) Advertising on The Internet, London : Konan Page
Turow, J (2009) The Advertising And Consumer Culture Reader, New York: Routledge
Berger, J. (1972) Ways of Seeing, London: Penguin
Burke. J. (2000) Vision, the Gaze, and the Function of the Senses in Celestina, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press
Mulvey, L. (1989) Visual and other pleasures, Hampshire :Palgrave
Mulvey, L. (1996) Fetishism and Curiosity, London : British Film Institute
Toland Frith, K. (1997) Undressing The Ad, New York : Peter Lang Publications
Williamson, J. (2002) Decoding Advertisements, London : Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd
Baudrillard, J. (2006) Simulacra And Simulation, United States of America: The University of Michigan Press
Klein, N. (2005) No Logo, London: Harper Collins Publishers
Cobley, P (2003) Introducing Semiotics, USA: Totem Books
Turow, J (2009) The Advertising And Consumer Culture Reader, New York: Routledge
Nava, M (1997) Buy This Book Studies in Advertising And Consumption, Oxon: Routledge
Bullmore, J (1991) More Bull More, Oxfordshire: World Advertising Research Center
Miller, D (1987) Material Culture And Mass Consumption, Oxford: Basil Blackwell Limited
Armstron, S (1997) Advertising on The Internet, London : Konan Page
Dyer, G (1982) Advertising as Commuincation, London, Methuen & Co. Ltd
Sharma, C (2008) Mobile Advertising, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Cappo, J (2003) The Future of Advertising, United States of America: McGraw-Hill Books
Gauntlett, D (2007) Creative Exploration, Oxon: Routeledge
Johnson, F.L (2008) Imaging in Advertising, New York: Routeledge
Goddard, A (1998) The Language of Advertising, London: Routeledge
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Monday, 6 June 2011
Presentation Structure
Presentation Structure
Where I was at the start of the year
What Have I learnt through the year
What I enjoyed
What I have done different
Enterprise good
PPD Sessions
Placements summer/ Third Year
CTS Dissertation
Where I was at the start of the year
What Have I learnt through the year
What I enjoyed
What I have done different
Enterprise good
PPD Sessions
Placements summer/ Third Year
CTS Dissertation
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Response from Design by Music
Paul hello.
Forgive my brief note as I am really busy but I hope it forms some sort of help for you.
—For a second year your books seems strong.
—There's a good mix of media and it feels nice and diverse.
—The Warp stuff feels like your strongest piece to me and so it's good that you kick off with that but the other stuff feels like it has more of a story to tell.
—Take more care when shooting your work and think about telling the story of what you did. Your work should be able to tell the story without you.
Again, sorry for the brief response, but I hope it is of some use at least.
Forgive my brief note as I am really busy but I hope it forms some sort of help for you.
—For a second year your books seems strong.
—There's a good mix of media and it feels nice and diverse.
—The Warp stuff feels like your strongest piece to me and so it's good that you kick off with that but the other stuff feels like it has more of a story to tell.
—Take more care when shooting your work and think about telling the story of what you did. Your work should be able to tell the story without you.
Again, sorry for the brief response, but I hope it is of some use at least.
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Through the enterprise lectures I learnt a lot of information and resources, which I would never of, thought of before to start up a business. The structure of the lectures and tasks covered what we need to know, and what to take into consideration when starting up a company. The swot and pest analysis and other tasks are common sense to realise if there is a gap so that anyone doesn’t put a lot of money into the company if it is going to struggle to make a profit. The most shocking finding was the costings of how much we had to charge clients per day to cover the overheads and make a living. I thought that this was pretty scary and if I was starting up a design agency this would be the only thing holding me back, just because I’m not guaranteed to be financially stable, but this is the risks of starting up a successful company and if we cover our research thoroughly and find an opportunity in the market we should be a success.
I thought the group presentation was enjoyable but also stressful, as to be relying on the other members of the group to cover their sections and organising around the bank holidays when and where to meet.
The whole enterprise module was a subject that everyone through the Graphics program should attend because it leaves the opportunities after of even later when we graduate the option and knowledge of what it takes to start up a business. After the presentation I spoke to one of my flat mates who explained that there is new government funding available, which I wished I new two weeks ago. I have enjoyed the enterprise module and even if I don’t set up a business in the future there are many aspects I learnt that can still apply to me working for a design agency.
I thought the group presentation was enjoyable but also stressful, as to be relying on the other members of the group to cover their sections and organising around the bank holidays when and where to meet.
The whole enterprise module was a subject that everyone through the Graphics program should attend because it leaves the opportunities after of even later when we graduate the option and knowledge of what it takes to start up a business. After the presentation I spoke to one of my flat mates who explained that there is new government funding available, which I wished I new two weeks ago. I have enjoyed the enterprise module and even if I don’t set up a business in the future there are many aspects I learnt that can still apply to me working for a design agency.
Friday, 29 April 2011
Monday, 25 April 2011
More research into Studios

Our business centres have a sophisticated and advanced atmosphere, offering a high quality corporate style environment. It is well established and has an excellent reputation for providing modern, fully furnished serviced office space on a cost effective basis.
This centre is situated in the Lace Market, Nottingham's prime business location. The centre caters for companies ranging from one person start-ups through to larger office and telephone based companies to satellite offices for national and international companies. By having multiple business centres in the Lace Market we have the flexibility to offer businesses the opportunity to move between our sites.
Facilities of this Serviced Office
24 Hour Access
Air Conditioning
Audio Visual Presentation Equipment
Colour Photocopying
DSL / Cable
E1 + (Broadband)
Internet Access
Kitchen Facility
Leased Line
Lift / Elevator
Manned Reception
Meeting Rooms / Boardroom / Conference
Message taking
Modem + ISDN
Modem + ISDN + Broadband
Office Furniture
On Site Management and Staff
Personalised Telephone Answering
Photocopying and Faxing
Postal / Franking Collection
Video Conferencing
Virtual Office Services

This Business Centre is a 1930s traditionally-built building. The ground floor is Let for Retail use.
The first and second floors provide quality refurbished serviced office accommodation at very affordable rents. The suites have the benefit of digital telephony and high speed internet.
The Licence fee includes all Utilities and Full Reception/Telephone support. Professional and friendly support staff. Some AirCon. Private covered on-site car parking is available for our Licensees. Victoria Centre amenities - 2 minutes walking distance. Good links by bus, rail, M1 - J.26 10 minutes.

(Ref 7963) Station Road, Nottingham, NG4 office space to rent
£150 PCM
The business centre was created as a result of thye skilful conversion of a large Victorian School.
The centre has all the requirements for the modern business incorporating a range of office and business suites for immediate occupation under flexible licence conditions.
The smaller units from 120 sq ft are fully inclusive of rates, heating and lighting. The largest unit is 1300 sq ft.
Conference and meeting rooms are available for hire and located only 2 miles from Nottingham City Centre, the centre is in a prime location for your business.
Facilities of this Serviced Office
24 Hour Access
Alarm or manned security
Car Parking
CCTV Security
Disabled Facilities
Internet Access
Kitchen Facility
Lift / Elevator
Meeting Rooms / Boardroom / Conference
On Site Management and Staff
Storage Area
Monday, 18 April 2011
Prices for studios in Nottinghamshire

Lace market - Centre of Nottingham. Might be a bit small would need to phone up and ask about the rent to.

A lot cheaper at £350 a month, location is important for our clients, ill need to phone up and ask more about where abouts it is located. They tick all the facilities we are looking for.

Really nice spacious studio. Facilities include parking, kitchen facilities, meeting rooms. The price though £1500 per month maybe too much. £375 a week.

Some studio space found near the centre of Nottingham. The studios are ideal for photography but would be able to change the layout & furniture to make it into a design studio. With this studio we would need to find some printers, or consider buying two digital printers and use litho printing at a larger print company.
Some studio space in Nottingham, but the size of the place is too small for five of us. We would have to hire 5 rooms together but wouldn't work to well.

Monday, 4 April 2011
Areas of interest
Few printers within Nottinghamshire
Not sure if we would buy our own, or start off using someone else's printers till we make money to buy our own.
Anyway here our a few so far...
Where & Who is the competition?
We have all agreed that the best location to start up our Print based company would be in Nottinghamshire. This is because it is in a good location in the country, and is a window of opportunity to gain new clients/ businesses within the area.
Google maps of the location of other design agencies based within Nottingham.

Start of Easter - Time Management
Monday -
Prints Sketch- Fools & Horses, Queen, Buy card for folk art
Type - Clock face, Bauhaus, RAW design
Tuesday -
Web Development
Iration Steppas
Put Prints on
Wednesday -
Web development cntd
YCN - 5-6 Boards show development
Type journal, tasks & RAW design time typeface.
Friday -
Prints Sketch- Fools & Horses, Queen, Buy card for folk art
Type - Clock face, Bauhaus, RAW design
Tuesday -
Web Development
Iration Steppas
Put Prints on
Wednesday -
Web development cntd
YCN - 5-6 Boards show development
Type journal, tasks & RAW design time typeface.
Friday -
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Enterprise Notes
What is your business plan?
Business plans from banks online
Include what I learnt from Bridget in the lectures, highlight the key points. SWOT PEST analysis
Realist of how much studios would cost
What skills do we have?
Always write more than cut it down after
Joint business plan
Costing - Whats the hourly/ daily rate?
Printers -do we rent?
Positions in the company
Business plans from banks online
Include what I learnt from Bridget in the lectures, highlight the key points. SWOT PEST analysis
Realist of how much studios would cost
What skills do we have?
Always write more than cut it down after
Joint business plan
Costing - Whats the hourly/ daily rate?
Printers -do we rent?
Positions in the company
Preparation over Easter
Preparation over Easter
-Dissertation question
-Strategic approach
-Group Enterprise
-Type Book / Tasks
-Gather content for website
-layouts for website
-Good/ Bad websites
-Mockup 5 websites using photoshop and hex colour code
***Read HTML & CSS web standards solutions: A Web... Christopher Murphy
-Dissertation question
-Strategic approach
-Group Enterprise
-Type Book / Tasks
-Gather content for website
-layouts for website
-Good/ Bad websites
-Mockup 5 websites using photoshop and hex colour code
***Read HTML & CSS web standards solutions: A Web... Christopher Murphy
PDF 1 & 2
Struggling with the third page, not sure if it works with the rest of the pages within the PDF.
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Turner Duckworth
Turner Duckworth
Voysey House
Barley Mow Passage
London W4 4PH
+44 (0)20 8994 7190
Contact Moira Riddell
Our intern programme is committed to providing Graphic Design students, usually in their second year of further education, with hands-on experience to help them become better students, and ultimately, better designers.
We typically employ interns for a short period of three-to-four weeks. Interested students should contact Kate at with at least three work samples in PDF format.
We employ interns year-round and pay £120 weekly to help offset some living expenses. Please note that our programme does not consider students still at school.
Dear Moira Riddell
The reason for contacting you was for seeking with some research within my degree.
I am currently studying BA Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art, and within my second year, I would like to prepare myself for after I finish my third year. At the minute I am not sure what kind of designer I would like to be or which specific of design to work in.
I have been researching different directions of design and companies I like the work of. Turner Duckworth being a company which I particularly appreciate for innovative and exciting work. I'm especially interested in packaging design, type & image. I think the clarity contained in your designs make the products communication with the consumer instantaneous, using simple, effective ways to communicate the message. This has obviously been noticed by leading award boards such as D&AD and Design Week.
I appreciate that your extremely busy with work at the minute but I was wondering if you could possibly have a look at the attached PDF of a few pieces of design work I have produced just to get professional feedback as this would immensely help me progress my work further. Or if not would it be at all possible to visit and a chat within your studio to help me determine which area I would like to move my work forward.
Thank-you for your time
Kind regards
Paul Brandreth
Turner Duckworth
Voysey House
Barley Mow Passage
London W4 4PH
+44 (0)20 8994 7190
Contact Moira Riddell
Our intern programme is committed to providing Graphic Design students, usually in their second year of further education, with hands-on experience to help them become better students, and ultimately, better designers.
We typically employ interns for a short period of three-to-four weeks. Interested students should contact Kate at with at least three work samples in PDF format.
We employ interns year-round and pay £120 weekly to help offset some living expenses. Please note that our programme does not consider students still at school.
Dear Moira Riddell
The reason for contacting you was for seeking with some research within my degree.
I am currently studying BA Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art, and within my second year, I would like to prepare myself for after I finish my third year. At the minute I am not sure what kind of designer I would like to be or which specific of design to work in.
I have been researching different directions of design and companies I like the work of. Turner Duckworth being a company which I particularly appreciate for innovative and exciting work. I'm especially interested in packaging design, type & image. I think the clarity contained in your designs make the products communication with the consumer instantaneous, using simple, effective ways to communicate the message. This has obviously been noticed by leading award boards such as D&AD and Design Week.
I appreciate that your extremely busy with work at the minute but I was wondering if you could possibly have a look at the attached PDF of a few pieces of design work I have produced just to get professional feedback as this would immensely help me progress my work further. Or if not would it be at all possible to visit and a chat within your studio to help me determine which area I would like to move my work forward.
Thank-you for your time
Kind regards
Paul Brandreth
Thames & Hudson
Thames & Hudson
181A High Holborn,
London WC1V 7QX
Tel: +44 (0)20 7845 5000
FAX: +44 (0)20 7845 5050
VAT Number: GB 235 1314 02
Registered Number: 473109
Dear Sir or Madam:
The reason for contacting you was for some help with some research within my degree.
I am currently studying BA Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art, and within my second year I would like to prepare myself for after I complete my third year. At the minute I am not sure what kind of designer I would like to be or which field of design to work in.
I have been researching different directions of design and companies I like the work of. Thames & Hudson being a company which I particularly for innovative and exciting work. As a regular reader of Thames & Hudson publications I'm especially interested about layout, type & image within design. The content and layout of the books you publish is inspiration.
I appreciate that your extremely busy with work at the minute but I was wondering if you could possibly have a look at the attached PDF with a few pieces of design work I have produced just to get professional feedback as this would immensely help me progress my work further. Or if not would it be possible to have a look and a chat within your studio to help me understand what sort of area I would like to move my work towards
Thank-you for your time
Kind regards
Paul Brandreth
181A High Holborn,
London WC1V 7QX
Tel: +44 (0)20 7845 5000
FAX: +44 (0)20 7845 5050
VAT Number: GB 235 1314 02
Registered Number: 473109
Dear Sir or Madam:
The reason for contacting you was for some help with some research within my degree.
I am currently studying BA Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art, and within my second year I would like to prepare myself for after I complete my third year. At the minute I am not sure what kind of designer I would like to be or which field of design to work in.
I have been researching different directions of design and companies I like the work of. Thames & Hudson being a company which I particularly for innovative and exciting work. As a regular reader of Thames & Hudson publications I'm especially interested about layout, type & image within design. The content and layout of the books you publish is inspiration.
I appreciate that your extremely busy with work at the minute but I was wondering if you could possibly have a look at the attached PDF with a few pieces of design work I have produced just to get professional feedback as this would immensely help me progress my work further. Or if not would it be possible to have a look and a chat within your studio to help me understand what sort of area I would like to move my work towards
Thank-you for your time
Kind regards
Paul Brandreth
Studio 8 - London
Studio 8
Studio8 Design
1 Sans Walk
020 7251 6430
If you are interested in a placement at Studio8 Design you are welcome to send a PDF of your work to:
Dear Sir or Madam:
The reason for contacting you was for help with some research within my degree.
I am currently studying BA Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art, and within my second year I would like to prepare myself for after I finish my third year. At the minute I am not sure what kind of designer I would like to be or which field of design to work in.
I have been researching different directions of design and companies I like the work of. Studio 8 being a company which I appreciate for innovative and exciting work. I'm especially fond about the Angaza Africa book produced, as the layout, type and image, which communicates clearly Africa's finest creative contemporary artists. The publication is visually appealing and so are many other publications Studio 8 has produced. This appeals to me as I enjoy layout, type & image and I'm wanting to find out more about how studios handle such briefs and clients through initial ideas, to development to producing the final resolution.
I appreciate that your extremely busy with work at the minute but I was wondering if you could possibly have a look at the attached PDF with a few pieces of design work I have produced just to get Industrial feedback as this would immensely help me progress my work further. Or if not would it be possible to have a look and a chat within the studio to help me understand what sort of area I would like to move my work towards
Thank-you for your time
Kind regards
Paul Brandreth
Studio8 Design
1 Sans Walk
020 7251 6430
If you are interested in a placement at Studio8 Design you are welcome to send a PDF of your work to:
Dear Sir or Madam:
The reason for contacting you was for help with some research within my degree.
I am currently studying BA Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art, and within my second year I would like to prepare myself for after I finish my third year. At the minute I am not sure what kind of designer I would like to be or which field of design to work in.
I have been researching different directions of design and companies I like the work of. Studio 8 being a company which I appreciate for innovative and exciting work. I'm especially fond about the Angaza Africa book produced, as the layout, type and image, which communicates clearly Africa's finest creative contemporary artists. The publication is visually appealing and so are many other publications Studio 8 has produced. This appeals to me as I enjoy layout, type & image and I'm wanting to find out more about how studios handle such briefs and clients through initial ideas, to development to producing the final resolution.
I appreciate that your extremely busy with work at the minute but I was wondering if you could possibly have a look at the attached PDF with a few pieces of design work I have produced just to get Industrial feedback as this would immensely help me progress my work further. Or if not would it be possible to have a look and a chat within the studio to help me understand what sort of area I would like to move my work towards
Thank-you for your time
Kind regards
Paul Brandreth
Music – Manchester
84 Silk Street
M4 6B7
Dear Craig,
The reason for contacting you was for help with some research within my degree.
I am currently studying BA Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art, and within my second year I would like to prepare myself for after I finish my third year. At the minute I am not sure what kind of designer I would like to be or which field of design to work in.
I have been researching different directions of design and companies I like the work of. Music being a company which I appreciate for innovative and exciting work. I'm especially fond on the FlipFlops work, as it is so simple but effective and conceptually communicates the idea of Holiday Resorts. I also like the Manchester International Festival campaign, for the experimental use of type and image. Through the work shown within the online portfolio, I would say that you can see the designers having fun within designing and producing the outcomes as this shows through the work.
I appreciate that your extremely busy with work at the minute but I was wondering if you could possibly have a look at the attached PDF with a few pieces of design work I have produced just to get Industrial feedback as this would immensely help me progress my work further. Or if not would it be possible to have a look and a chat within the studio to help me understand what sort of area I would like to move my work towards
Thank-you for your time
Kind regards
Paul Brandreth
84 Silk Street
M4 6B7
Dear Craig,
The reason for contacting you was for help with some research within my degree.
I am currently studying BA Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art, and within my second year I would like to prepare myself for after I finish my third year. At the minute I am not sure what kind of designer I would like to be or which field of design to work in.
I have been researching different directions of design and companies I like the work of. Music being a company which I appreciate for innovative and exciting work. I'm especially fond on the FlipFlops work, as it is so simple but effective and conceptually communicates the idea of Holiday Resorts. I also like the Manchester International Festival campaign, for the experimental use of type and image. Through the work shown within the online portfolio, I would say that you can see the designers having fun within designing and producing the outcomes as this shows through the work.
I appreciate that your extremely busy with work at the minute but I was wondering if you could possibly have a look at the attached PDF with a few pieces of design work I have produced just to get Industrial feedback as this would immensely help me progress my work further. Or if not would it be possible to have a look and a chat within the studio to help me understand what sort of area I would like to move my work towards
Thank-you for your time
Kind regards
Paul Brandreth
Propaganda Leeds
Propaganda Leeds
Laura Kynaston
Joint Managing Director
Propaganda LTD
0113 237 2888
Dear Laura Kynaston,
The reason for contacting you was for help with some research within my degree.
I am currently studying BA Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art, and within my second year I would like to prepare myself for after I finish my third year. At the minute I am not sure what kind of designer I would like to be or which field of design to work in.
I have been researching different directions of design and companies I like the work of. Propaganda being a company which I appreciate for innovative and exciting work. I'm especially fond within the advertising side to propaganda boosting an exciting client list such as Republic, TheO and The Car People. Working with such clients must be so rewarding when designing to the final outcome for the briefs.
I appreciate that your extremely busy with work at the minute but I was wondering if you could possibly have a look at the attached PDF with a few pieces of design work I have produced just to get Industrial feedback as this would immensely help me progress my work further. Or if not would it be possible to have a look and a chat within the studio to help me understand what sort of area I would like to move my work towards
Thank-you for your time
Kind regards
Paul Brandreth
Propaganda Leeds
Laura Kynaston
Joint Managing Director
Propaganda LTD
0113 237 2888
Dear Laura Kynaston,
The reason for contacting you was for help with some research within my degree.
I am currently studying BA Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art, and within my second year I would like to prepare myself for after I finish my third year. At the minute I am not sure what kind of designer I would like to be or which field of design to work in.
I have been researching different directions of design and companies I like the work of. Propaganda being a company which I appreciate for innovative and exciting work. I'm especially fond within the advertising side to propaganda boosting an exciting client list such as Republic, TheO and The Car People. Working with such clients must be so rewarding when designing to the final outcome for the briefs.
I appreciate that your extremely busy with work at the minute but I was wondering if you could possibly have a look at the attached PDF with a few pieces of design work I have produced just to get Industrial feedback as this would immensely help me progress my work further. Or if not would it be possible to have a look and a chat within the studio to help me understand what sort of area I would like to move my work towards
Thank-you for your time
Kind regards
Paul Brandreth
0113 260 4600
Head Office
3370 Century Way
Thorpe Park
LS15 8ZB
Send direct message from website
Dear Sir or Madam:
The reason for contacting you was for help with some research within my degree.
I am currently studying BA Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art, and within my second year I would like to prepare myself for after I finish my third year. At the minute I am not sure what kind of designer I would like to be or which field of design to work in.
I have been researching different directions of design and companies I like the work of. Fuse8 being a company which I appreciate for innovative and exciting work. I'm especially fond on the Meningitis Research Foundation App, as the delivery has been applied to new and emerging technologies. I am really interested in typography and layout, and also conceptual resolutions.
I appreciate that your extremely busy with work at the minute but I was wondering if you could possibly have a look at the attached PDF with a few pieces of design work I have produced just to get Industrial feedback as this would immensely help me progress my work further. Or if not would it be possible to have a look and a chat within the studio to help me understand what sort of area I would like to move my work towards
Thank-you for your time
Kind regards
Paul Brandreth
0113 260 4600
Head Office
3370 Century Way
Thorpe Park
LS15 8ZB
Send direct message from website
Dear Sir or Madam:
The reason for contacting you was for help with some research within my degree.
I am currently studying BA Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art, and within my second year I would like to prepare myself for after I finish my third year. At the minute I am not sure what kind of designer I would like to be or which field of design to work in.
I have been researching different directions of design and companies I like the work of. Fuse8 being a company which I appreciate for innovative and exciting work. I'm especially fond on the Meningitis Research Foundation App, as the delivery has been applied to new and emerging technologies. I am really interested in typography and layout, and also conceptual resolutions.
I appreciate that your extremely busy with work at the minute but I was wondering if you could possibly have a look at the attached PDF with a few pieces of design work I have produced just to get Industrial feedback as this would immensely help me progress my work further. Or if not would it be possible to have a look and a chat within the studio to help me understand what sort of area I would like to move my work towards
Thank-you for your time
Kind regards
Paul Brandreth
Taxi Studio - Bristol
Taxi Studio Bristol
93 Princess Victoria Street
Clifton Bristol
Terry Design Studio Manager
0117 973 5151
Dear Terry (Design Studio Manager),
The reason for contacting you was for help with some research within my degree.
I am currently studying BA Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art, and within my second year I would like to prepare myself for after I finish my third year. At the minute I am not sure what kind of designer I would like to be or which field of design to work in.
I have been researching different directions of design and companies I like the work of. Taxi Studio being a company which I appreciate for innovative and exciting work. I'm especially fond with the packaging and branding outcomes produced from your studio. I think through the work Taxi Studios produces, communicates the concept/ idea clearly and innovatively but also shows the fun the designers had when designing the outcomes.
I appreciate that your extremely busy with work at the minute but I was wondering if you could possibly have a look at the attached PDF with a few pieces of design work I have produced just to get Industrial feedback as this would immensely help me progress my work further. Or if not would it be possible to have a look and a chat within the studio to help me understand what sort of area I would like to move my work towards
Thank-you for your time
Kind regards
Paul Brandreth
93 Princess Victoria Street
Clifton Bristol
Terry Design Studio Manager
0117 973 5151
Dear Terry (Design Studio Manager),
The reason for contacting you was for help with some research within my degree.
I am currently studying BA Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art, and within my second year I would like to prepare myself for after I finish my third year. At the minute I am not sure what kind of designer I would like to be or which field of design to work in.
I have been researching different directions of design and companies I like the work of. Taxi Studio being a company which I appreciate for innovative and exciting work. I'm especially fond with the packaging and branding outcomes produced from your studio. I think through the work Taxi Studios produces, communicates the concept/ idea clearly and innovatively but also shows the fun the designers had when designing the outcomes.
I appreciate that your extremely busy with work at the minute but I was wondering if you could possibly have a look at the attached PDF with a few pieces of design work I have produced just to get Industrial feedback as this would immensely help me progress my work further. Or if not would it be possible to have a look and a chat within the studio to help me understand what sort of area I would like to move my work towards
Thank-you for your time
Kind regards
Paul Brandreth
Creative Spark
Creative Spark
Gemma/ Neil
0161 235 8558
Creative Spark
1st Floor
22 Lever Street
M1 1EA
MWB Leeds
1 Whitehall
Whitehall Road
Mail for placements***
Dear Gemma/ Neil
The reason for contacting you was for help with some research within my degree.
I am currently studying BA Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art, and within my second year I would like to prepare myself for after I finish my third year. At the minute I am not sure what kind of designer I would like to be or which field of design to work in.
I have been researching different directions of design and companies I like the work of. Creative Spark being a company which I appreciate for innovative and exciting work. The clients you have worked for is exciting, with names such as Lily Allen, Manchester United FC, Peter Kay and latest Stuart broad must be rewarding when finalizing the outcome of the briefs. I am really interested in your branding and print work you produce as these are areas that interest me.
I appreciate that your extremely busy with work at the minute but I was wondering if you could possibly have a look at the attached PDF with a few pieces of design work I have produced just to get Industrial feedback as this would immensely help me progress my work further. Or if not would it be possible to have a look and a chat within the studio to help me understand what sort of area I would like to move my work towards
Thank-you for your time
Kind regards
Paul Brandreth
Gemma/ Neil
0161 235 8558
Creative Spark
1st Floor
22 Lever Street
M1 1EA
MWB Leeds
1 Whitehall
Whitehall Road
Mail for placements***
Dear Gemma/ Neil
The reason for contacting you was for help with some research within my degree.
I am currently studying BA Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art, and within my second year I would like to prepare myself for after I finish my third year. At the minute I am not sure what kind of designer I would like to be or which field of design to work in.
I have been researching different directions of design and companies I like the work of. Creative Spark being a company which I appreciate for innovative and exciting work. The clients you have worked for is exciting, with names such as Lily Allen, Manchester United FC, Peter Kay and latest Stuart broad must be rewarding when finalizing the outcome of the briefs. I am really interested in your branding and print work you produce as these are areas that interest me.
I appreciate that your extremely busy with work at the minute but I was wondering if you could possibly have a look at the attached PDF with a few pieces of design work I have produced just to get Industrial feedback as this would immensely help me progress my work further. Or if not would it be possible to have a look and a chat within the studio to help me understand what sort of area I would like to move my work towards
Thank-you for your time
Kind regards
Paul Brandreth
Studio Output
Studio Output – London/ Nottingham
Contact: Gemma – 020 7239 9273
Studio Output London
Unit 5, The Piano Works
117 Farringdon Road
Studio Output Nottingham
2 Broadway
Lace Market
Dear Gemma,
The reason for contacting you was for help with some research within my degree.
I am currently studying BA Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art, and within my second year I would like to prepare myself for after I finish my third year. At the minute I am not sure what kind of designer I would like to be or which field of design to work in.
I have been researching different directions of design and companies I like the work of. Studio Output being a company which I appreciate for innovative and exciting work. I'm espically fond within the branding and typography work produced from Studio Output. Currently branding, typography and layout are the areas of design I am interested in, and find the work from your studio inspirational.
I appreciate that your extremely busy with work at the minute but I was wondering if you could possibly have a look at the attached PDF with a few pieces of design work I have produced, just to get some Industrial feedback as this would immensely help me progress my work further. Or if not, would it be possible to have a look and a chat within the studio to help me understand what sort of area I would like to move my work towards.
Thank-you for your time
Kind regards
Paul Brandreth
Contact: Gemma – 020 7239 9273
Studio Output London
Unit 5, The Piano Works
117 Farringdon Road
Studio Output Nottingham
2 Broadway
Lace Market
Dear Gemma,
The reason for contacting you was for help with some research within my degree.
I am currently studying BA Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art, and within my second year I would like to prepare myself for after I finish my third year. At the minute I am not sure what kind of designer I would like to be or which field of design to work in.
I have been researching different directions of design and companies I like the work of. Studio Output being a company which I appreciate for innovative and exciting work. I'm espically fond within the branding and typography work produced from Studio Output. Currently branding, typography and layout are the areas of design I am interested in, and find the work from your studio inspirational.
I appreciate that your extremely busy with work at the minute but I was wondering if you could possibly have a look at the attached PDF with a few pieces of design work I have produced, just to get some Industrial feedback as this would immensely help me progress my work further. Or if not, would it be possible to have a look and a chat within the studio to help me understand what sort of area I would like to move my work towards.
Thank-you for your time
Kind regards
Paul Brandreth
Form - London
Form – London
Dear Sir or Madam:
The reason for contacting you was for help with some research within my degree.
I am currently studying BA Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art, and within my second year I would like to prepare myself for after I finish my third year. At the minute I am not sure what kind of designer I would like to be or which field of design to work in.
I have been researching different directions of design and companies I like the work of. Form being a company which I appreciate for innovative and exciting work. I'm especially fond on the new marketing and promotional goods for Virgin Galactic. The statement of "commercial space flight is no longer a dream, but a reality", shines through the packaging and concept of using foil blocking to highlight the point of the space DNA has finally arrived. Also I like the variations of different solutions Form produces, not just printed outcomes but also variations of different medias used to communicate ideas for your clients.
I appreciate that your extremely busy with work at the minute but I was wondering if you could possibly have a look at the attached PDF with a few pieces of design work I have produced just to get Industrial feedback as this would immensely help me progress my work further. Or if not would it be possible to have a look and a chat within the studio to help me understand what sort of area I would like to move my work towards
Thank-you for your time
Kind regards
Paul Brandreth
Form – London
Dear Sir or Madam:
The reason for contacting you was for help with some research within my degree.
I am currently studying BA Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art, and within my second year I would like to prepare myself for after I finish my third year. At the minute I am not sure what kind of designer I would like to be or which field of design to work in.
I have been researching different directions of design and companies I like the work of. Form being a company which I appreciate for innovative and exciting work. I'm especially fond on the new marketing and promotional goods for Virgin Galactic. The statement of "commercial space flight is no longer a dream, but a reality", shines through the packaging and concept of using foil blocking to highlight the point of the space DNA has finally arrived. Also I like the variations of different solutions Form produces, not just printed outcomes but also variations of different medias used to communicate ideas for your clients.
I appreciate that your extremely busy with work at the minute but I was wondering if you could possibly have a look at the attached PDF with a few pieces of design work I have produced just to get Industrial feedback as this would immensely help me progress my work further. Or if not would it be possible to have a look and a chat within the studio to help me understand what sort of area I would like to move my work towards
Thank-you for your time
Kind regards
Paul Brandreth
Email Structure
Name of Contact,
Who am I?
Why I like your work?
Why am I trying to contact you? Placement/ Visit/ Feedback on work?
Who am I?
Why I like your work?
Why am I trying to contact you? Placement/ Visit/ Feedback on work?
Email - Bit of Research
Tips for Email Job Applications
Proofread your email for grammar and spelling (do not trust spell check software). Remember, this is your chance to make a critical first impression; even an emailed note needs to be professional and error-free.
Be brief and to the point. Your cover letter should not be any longer than two or three short paragraphs.
Make sure you include a signature with your full name, email address and phone number.
Include the title of the position you are applying for in the subject line of your message.
Be sure that your email address has a professional tone.
If the job posting asks you to send an attachment, send your resume as an MSWord or PDF document. Many employers do not accept attachments. In these cases, paste your resume into your email message. Use a simple font and remove the fancy formatting. Send the message to yourself first to test that the formatting works. If everything looks good, resend to the employer.
Proofread your email for grammar and spelling (do not trust spell check software). Remember, this is your chance to make a critical first impression; even an emailed note needs to be professional and error-free.
Be brief and to the point. Your cover letter should not be any longer than two or three short paragraphs.
Make sure you include a signature with your full name, email address and phone number.
Include the title of the position you are applying for in the subject line of your message.
Be sure that your email address has a professional tone.
If the job posting asks you to send an attachment, send your resume as an MSWord or PDF document. Many employers do not accept attachments. In these cases, paste your resume into your email message. Use a simple font and remove the fancy formatting. Send the message to yourself first to test that the formatting works. If everything looks good, resend to the employer.
Images For PDF
So far there are four images I would use for a pdf to be attached to an email. Obviously I would need to edit them and lay them out.

Maybe at dinner I should pop home and take some photos of my packaging and leeds guide.

Maybe at dinner I should pop home and take some photos of my packaging and leeds guide.
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