Wednesday 4 May 2011


Through the enterprise lectures I learnt a lot of information and resources, which I would never of, thought of before to start up a business. The structure of the lectures and tasks covered what we need to know, and what to take into consideration when starting up a company. The swot and pest analysis and other tasks are common sense to realise if there is a gap so that anyone doesn’t put a lot of money into the company if it is going to struggle to make a profit. The most shocking finding was the costings of how much we had to charge clients per day to cover the overheads and make a living. I thought that this was pretty scary and if I was starting up a design agency this would be the only thing holding me back, just because I’m not guaranteed to be financially stable, but this is the risks of starting up a successful company and if we cover our research thoroughly and find an opportunity in the market we should be a success.

I thought the group presentation was enjoyable but also stressful, as to be relying on the other members of the group to cover their sections and organising around the bank holidays when and where to meet.

The whole enterprise module was a subject that everyone through the Graphics program should attend because it leaves the opportunities after of even later when we graduate the option and knowledge of what it takes to start up a business. After the presentation I spoke to one of my flat mates who explained that there is new government funding available, which I wished I new two weeks ago. I have enjoyed the enterprise module and even if I don’t set up a business in the future there are many aspects I learnt that can still apply to me working for a design agency.

1 comment:

  1. glad to hear that you found the module enjoyable,stressful,informative,applicable and shocking.all modules should be that and more.
