Monday 15 November 2010

Group Tutorial Preperation

5. What are your concerns about industrial experience?

The standard of work they produce compared to mine, don't want to let myself down by showing them a portfolio and it isn't up to standard

Using my time wisely through my second year and holiday break to get as much done as possible for a good and useful understanding for my third year

Don't want to make tea and sit around watching people all day I'd rather being something productive and learning something

Turning up to work where the company is unprepared, want to get the most out of the visit

1 comment:

  1. you probably wont have to show them a portfolio-maybe just a PDF of 3/4 pieces of work.
    Remember they are professional,have been doing it for longer than 2 years so their work should be of a higher standard-that's why you want to spend time with them-to learn.
    It's up to you to be pro-active when there- make tea then ask what they are doing/offer to help.
    make sure you prepare them for your visit- let them know,confirm dates,tell them what it is you want from your time with them.
