Monday 15 November 2010

Group Tutorial Preperation

3. What form/format could industrial experience take?

Ask for a look around the studios or printers then ask if their was any chance of a few days work experience

Research what work a certain company produces so I have some knowledge what stuff they are looking for, ask for a look around take a few pieces of work portfolio or maybe cd or bussiness card to direct them to website then ask for a few days of work experience

Keep an eye on companies, or freelancers work I like and watch out for information for events they may attend or host and go along to have a chat with them then send them an email ect after?

Working with certain designers or specific roles within a company for example at a printers?

Ask contacts I already know for any work which is available and needs doing whilst on work experience and ask whoever I'm studying industrial experience with for there opinion.

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