Tuesday 23 November 2010

End of Module Evaluation

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
As the brief was based upon different processes I have learnt about what is available and what is realistic within industry. As the brief I set was upon honey I wanted to produce a range of different products covering a few different processes. As I couldn't afford to print the products I tried to interpret the products as mock ups to the best I could with the facilities and stocks available to me. I was happy with the flyers, shirt and testers. But I would of preferred to use sheets of self adhesive stock to mock up the jars as the acetate was stuck to the jar using spray mount which on clear stock gives a mist effect. The other process I could of used which now thinking about it would have been foil blocking for the logo on the packaging and promotional box. The third skill could have been to buy my own stock to print the promotional box with, because the stock which was available to me marks really easy. The reason I used the stock from the printers was because the net for the promotional box was very big which meant I had to use the roll of matt stock. This is something I would of mentioned to the client and is evaluated and noted which stock I would use if it was to be printed. Other than the three listed I think I have explored and learnt from the different processes.

2. What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
My brief seems straight forward, how I moved from Bees to Honey however the project was based around alot of reviews from other honey products to try to improve the design based around the reviews and surveys I carried out.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
The layout of Typography and logo were the strongest part of my project. Also I enjoyed trying to use spot colours for the jar designs as the colour of the honey in the jar would act as a second colour. I also wanted to use the spot colour at different opacities to keep the colours limited. Also I like the promotional box and the content, with the clean design the hay also gives it that organic finish, which makes it balanced with legibility and organic farming.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?
The main issue with this project was the stock choice. Some like the self adhesive paper is something that maybe I should buy now and keep for future reference as I now know how hard it is to buy as sheets and not rolls. The other stock I wasn't happy with was the stock for the boxes. The surface was really easy to scratch but this is what was available at the time t the printers, I should have looked for stock and took in my own (DP Blog - Card Mock up).

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
- Definitely crack on with the brief straight away because I have never had left the work to be designed to the lat couple of weeks from the hand in.
-Make pages of ideas and concepts before researching next time because I feel that I spent to much time researching rather than designing
- Choose Stock, produce design early and then get the stock choice correct.
- Get out of the idea of producing work based on the computer start exploring different medias and hand drawn approaches.
- Use Dc blog more and use for influence to my work

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
Attendance 1
Punctuality 1
Motivation 3
Commitment 2
Quantity of work produced 2
Quality of work produced 2
Contribution to the group -

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