Thursday 6 January 2011

Task One PPD

Task One

Brand 42

What areas of Graphic design most interest me?
- Branding
- Corporate Identity
- Information Graphics

Possible client groups related to the areas that I am most interested in are:
- Brand42
- Love Creative
- Pearl Fisher
- Taxi Studio (Bristol)

What skills do I have and how do they relate to the needs of the client group?
- Clear Branding ideas
- Answering to the brief or clients needs
- Fine detail/ Professional finish
- Software Skills

What skills are needed and what do I need to develop?
- Keep in touch with where technology is moving. Aware or gain knowledge of how to apply design to these new technologies emerging
- Develop a higher and better finish towards logo design
- Be able to use identity of a brand and apply to advertisements

What are my professional/creative aims and how do they relate to the needs of the client group?
- Become a strong branding designer
- Be able to communicate ideas for up and coming technologies
- Develop work that together makes a strong, creative, conceptual portfolio

4 P'S - Price, Product, Place, Promote
- Find out where and who my work belongs/ aimed at
- Note the value of my work
- Offer something different to stand out against the competition
- Monitor work and interest

Write a list of all the possible client groups that use graphic design in the development,
production, distribution, promotion and/or communication of their products or services.
Identify one client group that reflects your current ambitions within the graphic design area
(music industry, retail, publishing, education etc.) and focus on identifying:-

The area of graphic design I want to work towards is branding and corporate identity. The reason for choosing this area of design is because from my time studying at College my work has started to move towards the branding side of design. I enjoy the work which I produce, I think when something simple is executed well it gains my attention and looks interesting to look at.

The companies I have listed above are all based within the UK. I think it would be great if I was to gain industrial experience with any of the companies above to gain a greater understanding for what they have as there strengths and what they could improve on so that this would be something I could work on for my third year. My strengths within design is the use of typography and colour, information graphics, these are similar towards the companies that I have listed above however I think it would help if I had a good understanding of how to or some knowledge of how design can be applied to new technologies, as design is always moving forward and companies are competing with each other to keep up with emerging technology.

As a designer I want to have a up to date portfolio containing strong conceptual designs, creative and a strong portfolio. To gain this I will need to work hard to produce logo designs, applying design to advertisements as I think these are my weaknesses that could hold me back from gaining this goal.

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