Monday 17 January 2011

Task 3

Based on the principles that have been introduced so far in the Enterprise module and your
findings in previous tasks, evaluate the most suitable marketing methodologies for your
own practice and the most effective methods to reach your potential customers.
It is essential that you make references to some of the methodologies in the ʻMarketing
Communication Mixʼ and evaluate the ʻPlaceʼ that will give you the greatest competitive
advantage and be convenient for your clients / customers.

How do I promote myself?

The companies I have identified in previous tasks are not really local companies, for me where I work is also important. The most popular place I would like to live and try to work is within London, or abroad for a while. This is important to identify so that the communication method best suits

Suitable Marketing Methodologies:
• Be able to show clients who I am and the work I produce
• Be aware of what the clients would be interested in
• Show the skills that I can offer to the client as they need to know what I’m capable of
• This also creates a good relationship and contact
• Find some industrial experience as a building block
• Tell that employee my strengths and be honest why I would be suited to work for the company

Effective Promotional Methods:
• A memorable business card which is unique, stands out, communicates who I am and how to get in contact or view my portfolio online
• Online portfolio to demonstrate my best work and show the clients what I can do. Easy to use simple and clean
• Also on my website have a link for a blog which shows a collection of work which inspires me
• Create a contact list to communicate either with email or by phone.
• Maybe have some selected work from my portfolio onto my phone to be able to show clients and then I could give them a business card to refer them to the online portfolio.
• Winning awards would be good to promote myself, such as YCN or D&AD.

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