Friday 1 October 2010

Enterprise Lecture 1 - 27th September

Part 1 - How to get yourself out there!
Enterprise Lecture
27th September

Notes from lecture
A good website for young designers starting off their own business is the :

Above - Screen shot from Design Council website
What is successful?
What went wrong?
Reports + more

I think this is appropriate later on in the tasks to refer to help understand where the gaps are in the market and understanding where I can fit in the market to be successful
The image above shows the percentage of work given to Big, Medium and Small design agencies. Obviously there are alot more smaller businesses than larger companies but they are taken alot of the design market at the minute. The larger companies has to pay out for holidays food, toilet facilities ect.

Marketing Roles

1.Identify customer needs to develop new products

2.Develop pricing strategies

3.Promote products to a target market

4.Identify distribution networks

5.Add value to your product through customer benefits

6.Monitor the performance of the products

Identifying customer needs

Diagram above shows the process of developing a product. It can be applied to us graphic designers when producing our work

Tips for your value proposition

Make it short

Be specific

Use your customer’s language

Pass the ‘gut feeling test’

Networking Events

The lecture explained that it is important to regularly keep in touch and add contacts in the creative industry to your phonebook just because when they have a job or need some job doing they will know that they have someone who can do it for them. Networking maybe design exhibitions, trade shows, clients ...

Working all hours.

After being told the story about a photographer working for Gatecrasher and not getting paid and even if he did it wouldn't of covered his traveling costs. It is important to negotiate the deal and get something signed or an invoice.

The Four P's

Promotion is important! How do you stand out against the rest. Elephant in a garden?

1 comment:

  1. good,wide range of notes-glad you have them uploaded-you will need to reflect on them for your summative presentation in march/april.
