Wednesday 29 September 2010

Wednesday 22nd Studio Workshop

We were asked to produce a list of twenty subjects that we as a small group all agreed on what we thought was good, with a small justification next to it.
The next step was to swap lists with an other group and argue why they are bad. This was humerous as anything really could be classed as bad for example.

Manchester - We argued that 6 out of 10 people were drug dealers.
It was really good and an inspiration for me as when I reflect at my work from the previous year I thought that my work was serious and informative but I wanted to start to have more fun with my work.

Maybe for bees look at the bad for the humorous- Being stung?

"Your wallets just been stung" meaning the value of pollination of bees is worth around £400 million so that means that the wages will be higher and the products cost more!

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