Wednesday 29 September 2010

Presentation 22nd September

What is good? Summer brief presentation.

Over the summer this was constantly on my mind as from the first year I will admit I am not the most confident person presenting in front of people. However I thought it was going to be in front of the whole class, luckily it was to another nine people which made me more relaxed.

I think that spending alot of time thinking and researching in depth really help the confidence when presenting because I had learnt my subjects like the back of my hand.

The five things I choose to present were;
1. Bees - because of their importance of pollination
2. Co-Operative - after watching the dispatches documentary on Coca Cola I wanted to look at a big chain of stores based around good ethics
3. Shane Meadows - Lived in Nottingham when he was twenty, and the cultural references in his films
4. Original Source - When in the shower noticed how good it is. Last one as well.
5. Space Elevator - I choose this because it's not built yet and it would be a huge milestone in space exploration. I also had space and exploration in my initial ideas and it was good to link them together.

Overall my presentation feedback was really good, probably the best I've heard since starting at Leeds. The presentation was honest and well researched which really helped.

However my five which I choose were subjects I learnt over the summer and alot of everyone else's were things they liked. I think it's good to gain knowledge whitest researching but now I have to choose one of the five above to base several weeks on...

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