Monday 28 March 2011

Evaluating placements

Over the last few weeks I have been looking at design companies I'd like to do a placement with. After the weekend I have thought what kind of job I would like to/ enjoy working as for when I finish university. I think the the area of design I work in is so important to me so I enjoy the place and have fun with what I'm producing. Below are a few different areas I think I would enjoy and have fun producing work for;

-Some company/design studio which basis it's design on promotional goods / concepts.
-I also enjoy having fun with branding, just general design for companies
-I would also like to work with art directors for the experience of learning how they produce a concept and how the idea is then produced by other designers in the team. Concepts are something I enjoy thinking about, creating something original. If I had the chance to send off some work to apply for a placement I have the Warp brief and other conceptual designs that may be shown as a PDF

So the main areas for me are promotional, branding and conceptual idea generations.

What areas would I like to use these skills in? (Some subject that I enjoy)
-Music Industry
-Would I need to work for a design company or be part of a design team within a company?
-Magazine - young audience
-Also a few days at a television production team

I can now look for design aspect within these areas.

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